Welcome the upcoming IDEAS Southern California Conference 2018!

In the SoCal Conference 2018, we are honored to invite many professional speakers with a background in data science. In particular, these speakers provide a rare opportunity to recommend jobs.

Come to join our Southern California Conference 2018, and meet up with our speakers.

Tickets:20% off code: Blog20

There are some of the current opening positions for artificial intelligence, machine learning and engineering at famous companies below:



Deep Learning Scientist


Deep Learning Engineer


Back-End Developer




Data Intelligence


Cloud / Transformation


Big Data Engineer




Data Scientist


Business Analytics


Director of Data Science, TurboTax


Big Data Group Manager



Job List 7 – IDEAS Southern California Conference 2018!

Sep 27, 2018

Welcome the upcoming IDEAS Southern California Conference 2018!

In the SoCal Conference 2018, we are honored to invite many professional speakers with a background in data science. In particular, these speakers provide a rare opportunity to recommend jobs.

Come to join our Southern California Conference 2018, and meet up with our speakers.

Tickets:20% off code: Blog20

There are opening positions for data science at famous companies in below:

Live 11/10: Building Trust In An Age of AI And Data Science (Recap)

Nov 15, 2018

With the Facebook & Cambridge Analytica scandal keeping security practitioners and their lawyers up at night, and rightly so, it is very likely there is second guessing going on over the digital transformation happening in organizations. Across all functions — marketing, sales, LOBs, support — the “go digital, go cognitive, go AI at all costs” mantra is being questioned. In this week’s webinar, Ashwin Krishnan delves into the ethics of today’s technologies.

Job List 8 – IDEAS Southern California Conference 2018!

Sep 28, 2018

Welcome the upcoming IDEAS Southern California Conference 2018!

In the SoCal Conference 2018, we are honored to invite many professional speakers with a background in data science. In particular, these speakers provide a rare opportunity to recommend jobs.

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