Archives: Speaker

Keith Downer
Keith has extensive executive experience in financial services having worked in senior roles at JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and American Express. He also has management and consulting experience in Asia, Europe, UK, the Caribbean…

Michael Sullivan
Mike is the co-founder and CEO of Real Estate Chain, a blockchain-powered database for real estate content and data and a visual application of the future. Mike caught the blockchain bug badly in 2016…

Kit Pang
Kit Pang is a Communication Expert, Professional Speaker and the Founder of BostonSpeaks, one of Boston’s leading professional development organization providing training in communication, leadership and business. As a speaker and seminar leader, Kit…

Ron Ribitzky, MD
Physician executive with 30 years of cross-functional experience in the converging Healthcare IT, Life-Sciences Informatics, and Precision Medicine. Entrepreneurial driver and enabler of pragmatic innovation by bringing together clinical & business, technology & science, operations,…

Justin Fortier
Justin Fortier accomplished advanced analytics, data science, and predictive modeling leader with more than 20 years of experience developing actionable insights and recommendations which have driven profitable growth for six industry leaders. Superb strategic…

Daniel Theobald
Daniel has decades of experience leading research scientists and teams of engineers in developing cutting edge robotics technology. He has 27 issued patents and over 90 patents pending. In 1998 he co-founded Vecna, a…

Vipul Tiwari
Vipul Tiwari serves as a Partner at Reni Analytics. Vipul has over 16 years of cross-industry experience specializing in corporate strategy, strategic planning and technology solutions, leading digital transformation programs, managing client success and…

Dadi Xing
Dadi Xing’s expertise centers around statistics, machine learning, Blockchain and general quantitative analysis. He received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering/statistics from Purdue University. He also has more than 5 years working experiences as…

Feng Han
Feng Han is a developer and instructor of Tsinghua University’s graduate course series — ‘Cyber Intelligence Economics and Blockchain’. He is also a Blockchain Advisor at Huawei Central Institute, and the Secretary General of…

Rongqi (Tony) Tao
Tony Tao, Secretary General of NEO, member of Ali Microfinance Forum Expertise Group and Tencent Tengyun Think Tank Group, co-writer of ‘Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy’ and ‘Blockchain Technology–From Digital Currency to Credit…